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And Daddy treated you as guests.
He did that
only to save his girlfriend.

I swear I will return them to you
intact after rescuing my girlfriend.

- What's that?
- It's not an ice-cream van.

- Show the police in.
- Yes, sir.

I'd like to let it go, but the police...
You've captured me.
Do anything you like!

Have you got the right to speak?
No, but you have.
In what way can you help me?
Go on, be nice to him.
Do you want the Armour of God?
- Go and take care of the police.
- Yes, sir.

The Armour of God has five pieces.
The kidnappers only asked for three.

- So they've got the other two.
- You're smart.

That coincides with my information.
If you lend me your pieces,
I'll guarantee their return

and I'll get the other pieces
to make one complete set of Armour.

It's a deal.
But I have one condition.
I go with you.
No problem.
Can't two men take care of a woman?
OK. You must guarantee
she returns safe and sound.

I'll only guarantee her safe return
not her sound return.

We'll see about the rest.
