
Never you fear, your Hollywood is here.
Rumor Control has it that the board
wants to fire your little behind.

You let me in there at those so-and-sos.
I'll straighten them out, tout de suite.
How can they think of firing you?

They're business people.
They won't appreciate an emotional appeal.
You're right.
I was hoping to avoid this,
but this is an hour of desperation.

This is not the way to approach this, okay?
You don't think so?
Please don't tell anyone
you saw me dressed like this.

I have a reputation to uphold.
My lips are sealed.
I appreciate this demonstration.

That's it! A demonstration!
I'll create a media event.
Call the newspaper, boys and girls.

The headline will read:
"If Jonathan is fired, Hollywood flies."

Excuse me while I step out
onto the window ledge.

Come on.
-I'm sorry.
-It's okay.

-I do get carried away sometimes.
-No, not you.

That Richards, he gives men a bad name!
No! Mr. Richards
said he was gonna fix everything for me.

What arrogance!
That worm of a stock boy has created
an affront to the dignity of this store.

I'll have it taken down immediately...
...and make sure that lunatic
never works in this town again.

What say,
shall we move on to the sale to Illustra?

Just a minute, Mr. Richards.
I believe we're onto something here.

Maybe people will come to see
our bold, new window displays.

If they come to look, they'll stay to buy.
With all due respect,
Mrs. Timkin, it's a little late for that.

And we do have the firm offer from Illustra.
For one tenth the value of the store!
Besides, I can't bear the thought
of selling this place...

...especially to that awful B.J. Wert.
We know how much
the store means to you, ma'am...

...but, 10 percent is better than bankruptcy.
I think Mrs. Timkin is right.
I move we postpone the sale for six weeks.

I second the motion.
All in favor?
