
Hall, don't be so stupid. You must know
that to be alone with you hurts me.

- I only want to discuss -
- No, please don't reopen it. It's over.

I'm in hell.
You'll get out.
It's only disgust.

You haven't done anything
to be ashamed of.

You don't know
what hell's really like.

I thought it was
the worst crime in the calendar.

The one subject
absolutely beyond the limit.

Look, you've been thoroughly decent
from first to last.

So decent that I mistook
your friendliness.

I thought it was... something else.
I'm sorry to have insulted you.
Durham, I love you...
in my very own way.

Rubbish! As you so rightly said.
Good night.

I do.
I think I have always.

It's like the good, blundering creature
that you are to try to comfort me...

but there are limits.
I'm thankful that it was
into your hands I fell.

Most men would have reported me
to the dean... or the police.

Damn you, Durham.
