
Damn! Damn, it's locked.
The Goblin House.
My grandfather's grandfather built it.

I locked Pippa in here for a whole day once...
when we were small.
Ashby's Ordinaries are up an eighth.
Three and seven-eighths, four and three-eighths.

What's Barclay Perkins doing?
Hmm. Debit one. 87.90.
Gas staged a recovery.
What about Alliance and Dublin?
Alliance and Dublin?
- Consumers' orders?
- That'll do.

Up two - 78.80.
Perhaps, dear Mrs. Hall,
when Clive has finally completed...

and, pray heaven,
passed his bar examinations...

would Ada not like to come down
and stay with us here at Pendersleigh?

I do declare that our sons find amusement...
in the friendship of our two families.
- But Ada is such an attractive
and good-natured girl.

Although at present Clive appears to regard
his Fridays to Mondays entirely sacrosanct...

I'm sure that he, too,
could be enticed down.

I'm writing to Mrs. Hall.
- I thought Ada might like to stay.
- Ada?

Isn't that the girl whose grandfather
is going to leave her a lot of money?

She'll make an excellent bride for my godson.
Really. Perhaps Clive doesn't want to marry yet.
Oh, would you be so good as to post this, uh -
What's your name?
