
And I've got a serious charge
to bring against this gentleman.

- Yes, awfully serious.
- My goodness me.

I am really most - most frightfully sorry.
L- l-I do beg your pardon.

It's... seldom I make a mistake.
Well, remarkable place, this, isn't it?
Not just a collection of relics.

It's a place which could
stimulate the minds of the -

- Less fortunate?
- Well, quite so.

To ask questions which one -
which one no doubt inadequately tries to -

Ben, we're waiting.
Oh. Uh, yes. Uh, quite so.
I, uh - I - I -

Excuse me.
Extraordinary thing.
I shan't trouble you any further.
Where are you going
with your serious charge?

- I don't know what came over me.
- You blackmailed me.

- No, sir.
- You didn't?

- Maurice, listen -
- Maurice am I?

Well, you called me Alec.
I'm as good as you.

I don't find you are.
By God, if you'd split on me to Ducie,
I'd have broken you.

Might have cost me hundreds,
but I've got them.

But the police always
back my sort against yours.

As good as I?
Come outside.
It rained even harder
than this at the boathouse.

It was even colder.
Why did you not come?
I was frightened.
And you let yourself get afraid of me.
That's why we're trying
to down each other.

I wouldn't take a penny from you.
I don't want to hurt your little finger.

Come on.
Let's give over talking. Here.

Stop with me.
Sleep the night with me.

I - I can't.
I've got an engagement.
A formal business dinner.

It's my job.
Meet me another evening instead.
