Near Dark

- What about it?
- It's dark.

- I noticed.
- It's also bright. It'll blind you.

I can't see.
Well, listen.
Do you hear it?
- I'm listenin'. I don't hear nothin'.
- Listen hard. Do you hear it?

- Hear what?
- The night. It's deafening.

Well, I'll hold your ears.
Listen hard.
I sure haven't met
many girls like you.

No, you haven't met any girls like me.
Look up.
- Stars
- See that one?

First one I laid my eyes on.
The light that's leavin'
that star right now...

will take a billion years
to get down here.

You want to know why you've
never met a girl like me before?

Yeah. Why?
Because I'll still be here
when the light from that star...

gets down here to earth
in a billion years.

- That sounds like fun.
- It is.

- I'd like to be there too.
- Maybe.

Well, who knows?
- I sure haven't met any girls like you
- No. No, you sure haven't.

- You ain't in any hurry, are you?
- Never hurry.

I see. You want to listen to the radio?
See if I can find somethin'.
How's that?
