Radio Days

To a rabbi you say "my
faithful Indian companion"?

Hey, hey.
Don't hit my son!

What kind of upbringing is this?
Look, I'll hit him,
but you don't hit him.

I know better
how to teach the children!

I said, I'll hit him!
You leave him alone!

No, I'll hit him
because you are too lenient!

Oh, I'm lenient? Watch.
That's lenient?
That's lenient?!

I am a faithful Indian?
Such an impertinence?

Rabbi, I will teach
him some manners.

Yeah, I'll show him lenient.
Think that's lenient?
Enough, enough.
You'll hurt the boy.

And so, that ended
my career in crime.

And I never did get
the Masked Avenger ring.

But to this day...
I still get chills when
I recall his famous sign-off.

Be sure and tune in tomorrow...
for another adventure
of "The Masked Avenger"...

when he flies over
the city rooftops...

and we all hear his cry...
Beware, evildoers,
wherever you are!

Tess, did you see my yellow bag?
I didn't touch it.
Aw. Ooh, what is that?
Ooh, turn it up.
What's the fuss?
She's got a big date.
Mr. Manulis
finally asked her out.

Oh, what'd he do,
go blind?

Him with the insults, right?
You should go tell her
that she looks nice.

Yeah. I'll tell her,
I'll tell her.

Mrs. Waldbaum found a pocketbook
in the subway...

and she doesn't think
she's gonna give it back.

You ought to stop listening.
Tess, can I borrow
your anchor pin?

Well, sure, sure.
Oh, God, he's so handsome!
I waited so long.
I never thought he'd ask me.

Where'd you meet him?
In the Catskills.
He rides horseback...

he dances,
he's some tennis player.

Sounds like a perfect victim.
What's he do for a living?

His firm imports coffee.
What do you do
for a living, Dad?

Get my cigarettes,
will you?

Oh, this could be the answer
to my prayers.

Bea, don't you think it's
about time you compromised?

I don't know the meaning
of that word.

So stay single.
Do you smell my perfume?
It's good, right?

Oh, gosh. OK, uh,
Ceil. Ceil, get it!

I don't want to appear
too anxious.

I've been cleaning
fish all afternoon.

That man never stops
bringing home fish.
