Radio Days

Well, I can't do that.
Our ratings are too high.

Hi, Roger.
Oh, hi.
Lucky Strikes, please.
I look at you,
and I'm aflame with longing.

Oh, what am I gonna do?
I'm a single girl.

I want you, Sally.
I crave you.

I've already spoken to the head
of the agency about you.

He wants to meet you.

I told him you were the most
promising young actress...

I'd seen in years.
But you've
never even seen me act.

I've got great intuition...
and I care so much about you.
I've just got
to have you, Sally.

I'm exploding with desire.
We can't do it now.
I'm working my shift.

There must be somewhere we
can be alone for a few minutes.

I'd be taking
a real chance.

I told my wife
I was going to have a drink...

with Richard Rodgers.
You know, we always table hop
for a long time.

Well, let me think.
And so, as the story goes...
Roger and Sally set out...
to find a secluded
trysting place...

while Roger's wife Irene...
spent her time
drinking and hobnobbing...

with society's most interesting
and exotic Latin playboy.
