Raising Arizona

They're fugitives, Hi.
How are we gonna start
a new life with them around?

HI: Well, honey, you got to have
a little charity.

You know, in Arab lands,
you set out a plate.

ED: Promise, just a day or two.
HI: Tonight and tomorrow, tops.
HI: That night, I had a dream.
I drifted off...
thinking about happiness,
birth, and new life...

but now I was haunted
by a vision of...

He was horrible.
The lone biker
of the apocalypse.

A man with all the powers
of hell at his command.

He could turn
the day into night...

[ Jingling ]
and laid to waste
everything in his path.

He was especially hard
on the little things--

the helpless
and the gentle creatures.

He left a scorched earth
in his wake...

befouling even
the sweet desert breeze...

that whipped across his brow.
I didn't know
where he came from or why.

I didn't know if he was...
a dream or vision...

but I feared that I myself
had unleashed him.

For he was the fury
that would be...

as soon as Florence Arizona
found her little Nathan gone.

[ Florence screaming ]
