
This guy's gonna be your new partner.
Murphy, meet Lewis.
Show him the neighborhood.

Glad to know you, Murphy.
Pretty neat.
I better drive
until you know your way around.

I usually drive
when I'm breaking in a new partner.

You really think
the old man will be there?

Why invite us?
All the division heads are bringing
their support teams. It's big.

They're green lighting Delta City.
No way. They never
move ahead of schedule.

Jones has the 209 series ready
and wants to show off.

- Tough break, Bob.
- What?

When ED 209 ran into serious delays...
...the old man ordered a backup plan.
95th floor, have a nice day.
Probably to light a fire
under Jones' ass.

- Yeah.
- Old Bob here gets the assignment.

Nobody in Security Concepts
takes it seriously.

Fucking Jones, I'd go
straight to the old man if I could.

Don't mess with Jones.
Be careful, man.
I hear Jones is a real shark.

- Who asked you, twerp?
- Bob.

What's the problem with the police?
Their union's been bitching ever since
we took over. The usual stuff.

But we'll turn things around.
Good. Very good.
Let's get started.

My friends.
I've had this dream
for more than a decade now.

A dream which I've invited
you all to share with me.
