Someone to Watch Over Me

Right. How's he gonna do that if he's in
jail and they've thrown away the key?

It's the right thing to do...
Identifying him.

You wouldn't happen to know
what languages they speak in India?

- Hindi, Urdu...
- Urdu, yeah. Hey, what a woman.

Didn't do very well, did you?
Nope. Never finished one of these
things yet. I hate these things.

So... tonight's your last night.
You want to go for a drink?
I mean, we're just sitting here
and Venza is in jail.

Cocktails, huh?
Yeah, I'd like that.

- Listen, where you go, I follow.
- I'll be right back.

Some people set themselves up
as victims by body language.

A mugger would stay away from someone
because they walked a certain way?

No... watch this.

That is the stupidest walk
I have ever seen.

Maybe... But seriously,
there have been studies about this.

You walk like that, muggers
are not going to single you out.

But they're gonna die laughing
because you're walking so stupidly.

This is my business.
I don't tell you your business.
