Sous le soleil de Satan

But you are shaping me!
I need you!
[i]They[/i] didn't see the gift
the Holy Spirit gave you.

[i]They[/i] never see anything!
God appoints us.
The spirit of strength is within you!
Anyone but me,
assuming he'd seen as clearly,

wouldn't dare speak to you as I do.
Human prudence is a trap.
Truth will out.
My pronouncing that word
pains you, I know.

You know what the word means ;
a vocation, a calling.

You must climb to where God calls you,
or be lost.

Expect no human help.
Doubting your powers and God's aims
led you into a blind alley.

I'm setting you back on your road.
I am giving you to those who
will prey on you!

May the Lord bless you!
Allow me to withdraw.
Listening to you, I felt despair,
but not any more.
