
Her Royal Highness's matched luggage.
Oh, matched luggage, huh? What's
she think this is, a Princess Cruise?

- Well, she wouldn't go without it.
- Oh, yeah?

Now hear this! The minute we get
outta here the first thing we do is

dump the matched luggage!
Who was that?
Now you hear this, whoever you are.
You will not touch that luggage
And, furthermore,
I want this pigsty cleaned up.

I will not be rescued in such filth.
Listen! On this ship,
I don't take orders, I give 'em.

This is my dreamboat, sweetheart
- Sweetheart?
- Uh-oh.

How dare you speak to me that way!
You will address me as
"Your Royal Highness"

I am Princess Vespa.
Daughter of Roland, King of the Druids.

That's all we needed.
A Druish princess.
Funny, she doesn't look Druish.
Now we will show her
who is in charge of this galaxy.

Hold it!
I'll handle this personally.
Jawohl, Lord Helmet.
