Star Trek: The Next Generation - Encounter at Farpoint

- How's the energy used?
- No idea.

- Its source?
- I cannot be sure.

But I believe Manheim
can harness energy from the pulsar.

We've learned
everything we can from here,

and we are no closer
to understanding it.

Manheim is unable to help us,
but hopefully he kept notes.

- I need to study the records.
- We'll have to go down there.

What about the defence system?
When the shield was lowered,
it may have been turned off.

If not, we'll deal with it.
- Prepare your team.
- Aye, sir.

- Coordinates set?
- Yes, sir.

There's a lack of integrity.
I'm losing them.
Bring them back. Now!
What's going on?
There seems to be some kind
of strange bouncing effect.

I can't get them to materialise.
My readings aren't complete.

Keep trying.
Why are we back here?
You're lucky
you made it back at all.

Where am l?
