Star Trek: The Next Generation - Encounter at Farpoint

I never thought I'd see
a Romulan vessel so close.

Last time we encountered them
was decades ago.

Cost thousands of lives.
I can believe that.
Stay calm, everyone.
Open hailing frequencies.
Captain, these are Romulans.
They are without honour.
They killed my parents
in an attack on Khitomer

when they were meant to be
our allies.

They believe humans and Klingons
are a waste of skin.

Control your emotions.
Please, open hailing frequencies.

Hailing frequencies open.
Romulan vessel, this is Capt Jean-Luc
Picard of the USS Enterprise.

Sensors indicate
all of their systems are armed, sir.

But they've not fired.
I am Cmdr Tebok.
Commander, you have crossed
the Neutral Zone.

This is Federation territory.
It was necessary.
It might be viewed as aggression.
If our intent were aggression,
you would not be here now.

If we go to war, let us be sure
it is for the right reason.

We are here because our outposts,
which border on the Neutral Zone,

were also attacked.
Destroyed in the same manner
as your own.

Even so, what gives them the right
to enter Federation space?

Silence your dog.
Lt Worf's question is valid.
To even ask such a question
implies that we need permission.

We do not.
Do you think that we attacked
your outposts?

Once we realised
the level of destruction,
