Star Trek: The Next Generation - Encounter at Farpoint

He's alive.
Were you able to help Tasha?
Troi, we must talk.
I believe we can outmanoeuvre this
creature, and beam you and Ben up.

We monitored the energy field
around the shuttle.

When the creature is here,
the field weakens.

- Do you know why?
- The creature is filled with rage.

Undirected, unfocused rage.
When he confronts it,
his guard goes down,

because he's feeling it
instead of suppressing it.

Acknowledging his needs
makes him vulnerable.

- What caused the rage?
- He was left here.

The force field has to drop
below 2.7 before we can beam them up.

- Satisfied?
- Yes.

- Then can we leave?
- To go where?

Do you want to find those
who left you here?

She told you about them!
How long have you been here?
Since they left.
A very long time.
A long time to be alone.
Save your compassion.
It's revolting.

You offer it like a prize
when in fact it's an insult.

Because you feel unworthy.
You overrate your gift.
You humans are puny, weak.
