Star Trek: The Next Generation - Encounter at Farpoint

Geordi, we've lost transmission.
Signal overload.
I'm surprised it lasted this long.

We've reached the core, Captain.
The life signs are very strong, sir.
They are coming from over there.

- Is there any other way around?
- Negative. This is the only way.

The safest way to proceed
is for me to cross alone.

The heat and toxic gases
have less effect on me.

Captain, Data's gone ahead.
The life signs are from
the far side ofEngineering.

I've found them, sir. The door
to their compartment is jammed.

The control mechanism's
not operative, sir.

This is Cmdr Riker
of the USS Enterprise.

Do you hear me?
I advise against the use of phasers.
The gas build-up is too great.

A phaser discharge now
could blow us all outta here.

Shall l, sir?
- What's going on?
- We're about to force the door.
