Star Trek: The Next Generation - Encounter at Farpoint

Captain, that unidentified vessel
is approaching us at warp five.

Intersect one hour, 1 6 minutes,
33 seconds.

- Can we get a visual?
- I can try, sir.

- Open hailing frequencies, Lt Yar.
- Hailing frequencies open.

Klingon cruiser, this is Jean-Luc
Picard of the USS Enterprise.

I am Cmdr K'nera.
What is your purpose in this area?

We came to investigate a battle.
We rescued three Klingon survivors.

That is all that is left
of the crew of the cruiser T'Acog?

They're from the freighter Batris.
Their leader is Capt Korris.

You have him on your ship?
He is alive?

- Yes.
- He is a criminal.

A renegade, who with two others
stole that freighter

and destroyed the Klingon cruiser
sent to bring them back.

We expect the criminals
to be delivered into our custody

as soon as we
are within transporter range.

Lt Yar, where are they now?
They're with Worf on deck 1 7.
- Deck 1 7?
- Yes. Near the battle-bridge lift.

Shall I alert Lt Worf?
No, send a security team.
Worf wouldn't allow them
on the battle bridge.

I think we cannot assume anything.
Shall I remain at my tactical
position or lead the team?

Lead the team. And, Lieutenant,...
you understand
with whom you're dealing?

Aye, sir.
We have heard this ship
can separate in time of battle.

Yes. When relieved of its bulk
the Enterprise becomes
an exceptional weapon.
