Star Trek: The Next Generation - Encounter at Farpoint

then his death
would have been more glorious.

If the opponent was not an enemy,
who was it?

Tell me. What really happened?
I do not wish to anger you.
We are, after all,
brothers lost among infidels.

Tell me,
how is it that you come to this ship?

That uniform?
Through an act of kindness.
The Romulans attacked the Khitomer
outpost. Everyone was killed.

I was buried under the rubble
and left for dead.

A human Starfleet officer found me.
He took me to his home on Gault and
told his wife to raise me as his son.

How old were you?
Before the Age of lnclusion.
That young?
Gault is a farming colony!
When my foster brother and I were
of age, we entered Starfleet Academy.

He hated it and returned to Gault.
I stayed.

You haven't spent much time
among your own kind.

Hardly none.
So, when the night
was still and quiet,

and the sound of the blood
in your veins filled your ears,

the only way to silence it
was to slip out into the night,

and like the hunter that spawned you,
join in the struggle
of life and death.

- You were unable...
- The others did not understand.

- You frightened them.
- They shunned you.

Cursed you, called you vile names,
and you knew not why.

Even now,
do you know why you are driven?

Why you cannot relent, or repent,
or confess, or abstain?

How could you know?
There have been no other Klingons
to lead you to that knowledge.

Yes, those feelings
are still a part of me.
