Star Trek: The Next Generation - Encounter at Farpoint

You can't beat this thing.
We must break orbit now.

Worf, analyse its firing pattern.
Maybe we can anticipate
its location.

Aye. Solis, correlate the trajectory
of energy bolts with attack path.

I'll compute the optimum spread
to hit it.

- Right.
- Lt La Forge... Geordi...

I know you want what's best for the
Enterprise. So do l. The best...

The best thing, Mr Logan, is
for you to return to your duties.

I'm in charge until relieved
by Cmdr Riker or Capt Picard.

You're ignoring my greater rank
and experience.

Not at all. In fact, the opposite.
I'm counting on it.

I need you back in Engineering to get
me all the emergency power you can.

The more power we get to the shields,
the longer we'll be able to hold out.

Now, Mr Logan.
Worf, have you got a lock on it yet?
It's impossible to be sure.
Maybe you should wait here
while Data and I search.

- I'm groggy, but I'll be alright.
- I'm getting energy readings...

Look out!
We'll do it just like before.
It has a deflector shield.
The product
continues to upgrade and improve.
