The Fourth Protocol

You're a problem, Preston.
You see, while you've been away,
young Mayhurst has
been heading up your section.

And he's done
an excellent job very thorough so

of course it would be grossly unfair
to push him back to his second slot now

But, as luck would have it,
a vacancy has suddenly appeared.

In C5.
That's airports and ports, isn't it?
Do you know, I do believe it is.
But I think you could look on it as
a real career move.

Well, you can't keep a good man down,
can you Mr Smith?

Well, I expect your talents
will be equally appreciated

in airports and ports.
John this telex just came in for you.
Give it to 'young Mayhurst'.
I don't work here anymore.
Where are you working then?
In airports and bloody ports.
Hey, seaman?
Where's your pass?
Did you forget something?
What's in your bag?
