The Lost Boys

We've got some rules around here.
Second shelf is mine.
That's where I keep my root beers
and my double-thick Oreo cookies.

Nobody touches the second shelf, but me.
There's another rule around here,
and I want you to pay close attention.

Don't touch anything.
Everything is exactly where I want it.
:08:22 it true that Santa Carla's
the murder capital of the world?

There are some bad elements around here.
Wait, let me get this straight.
You're telling me we've moved
to the murder capital of the world?

Are you serious, Grandpa?
Well, let me put it this way.
If all the corpses buried around here
were to stand up all at once...

...we'd have one hell
of a population problem.

Great, Dad.
Now, on Wednesdays...
...when the mailman brings the TV Guide...
...sometimes the address label
is curled up just a little.

You'll be tempted to tear it off. Don't.
You'll only wind up rippin' the cover
and I don't like that.

And stay outta here.
-You have a TV?

I just like to read the TV Guide.
If you read the TV Guide,
you don't need a TV.
