The Secret of My Succe$s

Yes, I'm looking for the transportation
costs from Toledo dating September...

I'll call you back.
Look, I'm not
gonna pressure you on this.

I want you to take your own time...
and decide what's best for you.
Thank you.
I do think the timing's
a little ironic, though.

I was gonna tell you
last night...

that Vera and I have agreed
on terms for a divorce.

I only wish that Vera and I
could have worked things out sooner.

That way, you and I
might have had a chance.

This arrived this morning
by messenger.

Davenport has called
an emergency meeting...

of the Board of Directors
for Monday morning...

and he's offering
to take over the company.

I'm inviting all key personnel to spend
the weekend at my house in Litchfield.

I'd like you
to be there too.

Of course I'll be there.
- One more question.
- Yes?

Just out of curiosity,
who were you with last night?

Carlton Whitfield.

It was all business.
Some of his ideas are brilliant.

I'm looking forward to hearing 'em.
I have to talk to him today.

Those notes that I took from Whitfield's
office... I'd like them back, please.

Of course.
I'll get them to you.

Heads up. Thanks.
What's your hurry?
What's goin' on?

I got a special delivery
here marked "urgent".

I'm watching you, Foster.
Just remember, every minute...
God is watching you.
Excuse me, Miss, I'm a reporter
for the New York Times.

I couldn't help noticing
you look like a woman...

who's recently made love.
