The Untouchables

l'm a businessman.
Your reputation is that you control
your business through violence.

That those that don't purchase your
product are dealt with violently.

lt's all right.
l grew up in a tough neighbourhood.
We used to say, "You can get further
with a kind word and a gun"

"than you can
with just a kind word."

And in that neighbourhood
it might've been true.

And sometimes
your reputation follows you.

There is violence in Chicago,
but not by me

and not by anybody l employ.
Because it's not good business.

Leave us alone down here,
we've got everything we need.

The green beer you're peddlin'
ain't any good.

lt's not supposed to be good.
lt's supposed to be bought.

l'm not buyin' any.
Don't worry about it, Pops,
we won't come back.

- How's everyone at your house today?.
- They're fine.

- ls your Mama well?
- She has a little cold.

Oh, she does?
- l'm sorry to hear that.
- But she'll be all right.

- There you go.
- Thank you.

That's all right, sweetie.
You be careful crossin' the street.
