The Untouchables

'Now l lay me down to sleep'
'l pray the Lord my soul to keep'
'lf l should die before l wake'
'l pray the Lord my soul to take'
- Amen.
- God bless...

God bless Mommy, God bless Annie,
God bless Daddy. Amen.

Good night.
- Good night, Daddy.
- Good night, little girl.

Want to rub Eskimo?

- Where are you going?
- What?

Where are you going?
l thought l'd go downstairs,
some work to do for tomorrow.

- You had a full day today, though?
- Yes, l certainly did.

And you've still got
some energy left?

Oh, a lot of work.
Well, why don't you come up
and brush my hair?. You 'Detective'.

- How are we doin'?
- Capone's organisation is diverse.

lt owns Canadian Holding Company
Associations, which owns in turn

Green Light Laundry, Midwest Cabs,
Jolly Time Playthings...

- Jolly Time Playthings?
- Yes.

Remind me to get a present
for my daughter.

...Bahama Ship-to-Shore,
Miss Lucy Togs...the list is endless!

And all the business is legitimate,
and none is owned by Al Capone.

But we can get him on
income tax evasion if we can show

that any of the 'organisation'
business money is going to him.
