The Whales of August

l haven't thought of
our ambergris hunts in years.

We were going
to make our fortune.

Yes. $10 an ounce
that stuff was.

Yeah. Yep.
The new perfume queens.
Weren't we the pair?
You two are certainly
carrying on.

Well, there's nothing
like a good laugh, Libby.

-Let me help you.
-Oh, thanks.

Libby Strong, you are
looking younger every day.

-Here. Have some berries.

Thank you.
God, what a long walk
for so few berries.

l swear there aren't so many
as there used to be.

lt's the nuns.
The nuns, Libby?
Yes. They flock around
our berry bushes...

like a bunch of penguins.
nuns are entitled to pick
berries, too, you know.

Not on our land.
Oh, for pity's sake, Libby.
l do have some sad news.
Out with it, Tisha.
Hilda Partridge
passed away yesterday.

And now Mr. Maranov...
will have to find
someplace else to live.

Who will be the next
lucky person?

No idea.
l don't think he knows
what's next, poor man.

But Hilda was so young!
Hilda was 83 if she was a day.
Well, l certainly
am gonna miss Hilda.
