The Whales of August

mysterious, alluring,

Oh, Mr. Maranov...
you could make a bat laugh.
Oh, there's the noon whistle.
l'd best be off.
Your cottage is on my way home.
May l have the pleasure
of escorting you?

Ayuh, my last cavalier.
Good day, Mrs. Strong.
Good day, Mr. Maranov.
Come down at 5:30, Mr. Maranov.
Thank you, Mrs. Webber.
l must have cooled off,
sitting so long.

Well, another time,
another place...

l would offer you
my cape to warm you.

There's my Sir Walter again.
-Please, my dear.
-Oh, no, Mr. Maranov.

Oh, but you must.
Oh, no, no.
-l couldn't.
-But you must.

You must accept
this last gesture...

of a doomed
and ancient cavalier.

Oh, my dear.
Drape me, then.
Your arm?
l haven't been in a park
for a long time.

Well, this is like
being in a park.

No swans, though.
Matthew and l used
to sit in the park.

Philip could never sit
long enough to sit in the park.
