The Whales of August

Good Lord, Libby.
That's preposterous.

l'm working on my ears now.
Now, Elizabeth May,
that's enough.

You must get changed.
l am not going
to change for him.

Why not?
He is a stranger.
He's a guest.
There is no need for him
in this house.

This is my house.
l invite whom l like.
l have no time for this.
When you lost Philip
in the war, l made time.

l took care of you for 15 years.
You owe me.
Then we're even.
15 years for 15 years.
Come back, Sarah Louise.
Come back.

Oh, look what you made me do!
l've burned all my muffins!
Oh, Sarah.
Sarah, let-let's not fight.
Let's not fight anymore.
Forget about the muffins.
Get dressed.
Let me finish what l have to do.
We're so different, you and l.
We're strong stock, Sarah.
And we've precious
little time left.
