Wall Street

l need some exercise, for chrissakes.
- l don't think l can go on, Mr Gekko.
- Push yourself. Finish out the game.

lt's a very nice club, Mr Gekko.
Not bad for a City College boy.
Bought my way in. Now all these lvy League
schmucks are sucking my kneecaps.

l just got on the board of the Bronx Zoo.
lt cost me a mil.
That's the thing you gotta
remember about WASPs.

They love animals,
but they can't stand people.

Uh, Mr Gekko,...
..we took a little loss today.
We got stopped out on Terafly.
About a hundred grand.

Well, l guess your dad's not a union
representative of that company, huh?

How do you know about my father?
The most valuable commodity
l know of is information.

Wouldn't you agree?
The public's out there
throwing darts at a board, sport.

l don't throw darts at a board.
l bet on sure things.

Read Sun Tzu, The Art of War.
"Every battle is won before it's ever fought."
Think about it.
You're not as smart as l thought you were.
You ever wonder why fund managers
can't beat the S&P 500?

Cos they're sheep.
And sheep get slaughtered.

l've been in this business since '69.
Most of these Harvard MBA types
don't add up to dogshit.

You need guys that are poor,
smart and hungry. And no feelings.
