A Cry in the Dark

We slept her in the tent.
I zipped it up when I put Reagan down.

I should have zipped it up when I put
her in, even if it was only for a minute.

What are we gonna tell
our parents, Michael?

They never even saw Azaria.
- I’m freezing.
- You can’t be freezing. The heater’s on.

- What are you doing?
- Getting my sleeping bag.

- You can’t do that. It’s got blood on it.
- Yours has. Mine hasn’t.

I’m sorry, but I’m freezing.
Heating or not.
I’m so cold.
"(sobbing)" She was so little.
"(Aidan)" Mummy!
I’m just praying that Jesus
will keep the dingo’s mouth shut,

like he did for Daniel in the lions’ den,
and he won’t let him eat our bubby.

Oh, darling. She’s so little.
Jesus wouldn’t let her have any pain.
But our bubby had a little cold, you know.
It’s so freezing out there.
Daddy and I believe
that bubby’s dead, sweetheart.

And Jesus is going to
look after her now, wherever she is.

Till he comes to take us all
home to heaven.

And she’ll be better
because Jesus will make her better.

She won’t have the hiccups any more.
No, that’s right.
You try to sleep now.
