A Cry in the Dark

I’ve taken the unusual step of permitting
these proceedings to be televised today

in the hope that,
by direct and accurate communication,

such innuendoes, suspicion
and gossip may cease.

This case clearly emphasises
that a choice has to be made

between dingoes on one hand,
and tourism on the other.

Cheeky bastard. On national television!
l’ve had the occasion to criticise
the work of the Northern Territory police...

- He doesn’t know shit from clay, this fella!
- What’s his religion?

..reporting of the sprayed blood stain
on the exterior of the tent,

resulted in this investigation being
diverted in the wrong direction.

I’m satisfied that Dr Brown,
an acknowledged expert
on bite marks of humans,

used his best endeavours
to learn what he could

of what had been, until this case,
an unknown field.

In the light of
his straightforward admission,

that he had no experience
in examining bite marks in clothing,

it’d be dangerous to rely on
his evidence in that regard.

I doth find
Azaria Chantel Loren Chamberlain,
a child of nine weeks of age...

- I think they’re both bloody guilty.
- Shut up. Listen and learn something.

..met her death when attacked
by a wild dingo,

whilst asleep in the family’s tent
at the top camping area, Ayers Rock.

I further find that neither
the parents of the child,

nor either of their remaining children,
were in any degree
responsible for this death.

I find that the name “Azaria”
does not mean and never has meant

”sacrifice in the wiIderness”.
I find that after her death,
the body of Azaria

was taken from
the possession of the dingo

and disposed of by an unknown method,
by a person or persons, name unknown.
Court is adjourned.
Sergeant Charlwood, are you upset
by the coroner’s decision?
