Biloxi Blues

# If you would come to me soon
# Until you will
# How still my heart
# How high the moon...
I don't think much about the big war any
more, the one called "the second one"...

..because the small wars that came after it
seem bigger now than the big war was.

Most people today look back at
the big one with sort of fond memories.

It was, in a sense, an OK war.
We knew why we were fighting it and felt
pretty proud of ourselves for being in it.

We liked the songs,
we liked the uniforms,...

.. we liked the giris
and we liked that everyone liked us.

So, looking back,
it was one ofyour better wars,...

..except ifyou were a year out of high
school heading south in a troop train,...

..knowing in two months you'd be
in a mudhole fighting for your life.

We were in a filthy train heading
for basic training in Biloxi, Mississippi,...

..and on the entire trip
in the train nobody washed.

We were preparing
to fight Germany andJapan,...

..but instead we were stinking up America.
- Hey, what the hell's with you?
- You talkin' to me, garbage face?

- Yeah, pisshead!
- Who you callin' pisshead, jerk-off?

Knock it off, shit brains!
Up your keister
with a meat hook, Wykowski.

It was my fifth day in the army,
and so far I hated everyone.
