I never even made it to the bed.
I knew I hit my peak too soon.
You the only one left, honey?
What? Oh, yeah, I guess I am.
Well, let's get goin', sugar.
I got some navy boys comin' at two.
very pleased to meet you.
Hey, come on, kid. I ain't got all day.
- It's chilly in here, isn't it?
- Yeah
About 96 degrees!
Keep your shorts on if you want, but I've
a rule against wearin' army shoes to bed.
I was just about to take them off.
I always take them off.
You don't mind
a little perfume, do ya, honey?
There was a boy this mornin' with a gallon
of Aqua velva. Nearly drove me crazy.
Oh, that's OK.
You could even spray some on me.
Gee, that smells good.
If you'd like a bottle for your girlfriend,
I sell 'em $ 5 apiece.
- You sell perfume, too?
- I sell hard-to-get items.
Silk stockings, black panties.
- You interested?
- Do you carry men's clothing?
Oh, that's cute. You're cute, honey.
Is this your first time?
My first time?