
When you straighten up
and walk like a jazz musician.

You want a bite of this?
It's my third one.

I got gum.
Maybe that's the secret.

To play like Bird, eat like Bird.
All those 2 and 4 bar breaks.

What you mean is, I eat
an awful lot for a junkie, don't I?

Don't tell me what I mean, man.
Sorry, man.
So how you come to know
so much about music?

Will you talk to me?
My father produced nightclub shows.
Broadway Ben, they called him.
I had my sweet 16 party
at the Cotton Club.

It's always been musicians.
You weren't seeing about
any record date tonight.

No. And you knew I wasn't in Philly.
Everyone knows I lost that gig.

- That's right.
- That's right.

So why are we conning each other?
Everyone assumes we're an item
because I show up wherever you play.

You do?
I don't always say hello. And you
don't usually leave alone either.

And while we're on the subject...
:33:23 many wives do you have?
I have met more women
who claim to be...

...Mrs Charlie Parker!
And all of them wearing rings!
Rings are cheap.
Rings are cheap?
Is that what you want to say?
Is that all you want to say?

- What size ring you wear?
- Oh, no. Not me.

Tell me more about Broadway Ben.
He had a way about him.
The year I was born...
