
Here I go again
Heart aches
take it slow

You ain't got far to go
And if you travel smooth
Life be a pleasure cruise
Heart aches
take it slow

You ain't got far to go
And if you travel smooth
Life be a pleasure cruise
Oh, I love you so
I guess, I guess
I guess you know

Oh, I love you so
I guess, I guess
I guess you know

Oh, I love you so
I guess, I guess
I guess you know

Oh, I love you so
I guess, I guess
I guess you know

I guess, I guess
I guess you know

So this is your profession?
More like my obsession.
- Does it pay the rent?
- Someday it will.

Right now, though,
I'm waiting tables at Jerry's Deli.

Sure, I know the place.
Home of the famous
cement Danish.

Yeah, that's the one.
- Yeah.
- Hey!

Don't look.
It's not done.

- This doesn't look like me.
- It's the real you.

You've captured
my innermost soul.

- Ohh!
- Oh, my God.

Are you okay?
- Shit!
- Are you okay? Aww!

We should go on
one of those.

- You know, there's a guy who makes these.
- One guy?

He must be exhausted.
Yes, he is, but still,
he gets up in the morning...

and he kisses his wife, and he goes
to his drink umbrella factory...

where he rips off 10 billion
of these a year.

This guy's a millionaire.
- How about the guy who makes these?
- How about that guy?

Not to mention
the guy who makes these.

And those little wrappers
are made by another guy.

What about these plastic things
at the end of these laces?
