Dekalog, jeden

Do they know?
I picked her up at the theatre
Mother was running about like crazy
Stumbled against a step

Nearly fell down the stairs
Why are you speaking of her like this?
You should be glad to hear it?
It started some time ago
I think I hate her

"You haven't changed, or maybe"
there are just the two extreme

Just the two
"For today, the situation is that I took"
"Ania with me, I won't give her back"

I first thought about it some
three or four years ago

I'm not a good girl in a drak-blue
skirt anymore

The girl who fell in love with her
Polish teacher...

just because what he said
was different

You still have lots of chances
You haven't stolen anything
or killed anybody

Is it possible to steal
your own property?

I don't know
I guess not
This means I haven't stolen anything
That's a fact
"Yeah, and as for killing"
"Yes, I think I could kill her"
It isn't much that you know
about your mother

I've only just learned quite recently
Why she's like that
"After I was born,"
she could have no more children
This means it was because of me in a way

But she always wanted children
I know that

"And then, when Ania was born"
"You see, this does explain a thing or two"

"There was another person, too"
"who agreed to that arrangement, you"

I was only sixteen then
Jeanne d'Arc hadn't been much older
You said that before
They said they meant well
I should finish school and so on

It's only now that I know they were
really after the baby

"And there was that scandal at school, too"
"She was the headmistress,"
