Dekalog, jeden

She's interested in
your works, Professor

If I got her right,
she'd like to attend your classes

That will be a pleasure for me
Do you want to come today?
If I may
Will you excuse me?
Mrs. Elzbieta Loranz works...
at the American Institute
for investigation

of Jews rescued from the Holocaust
Well, let's continue our subject
The moral inferno
Who'd like to speak first?
We already have two political stories
to consider...
and one related to the customs
to simplify matters

Let's imagine the following situation
A man is dying of cancer...

This is the third case of cancer
this year

He is treated by an excellent specialist
...who's believing Christian,
by the way, it's important

Well, the doctor happen to live
:08:31 the same house as the patient
and his wife

The wife starts pestering the doctor
She wants to know...
whether her husband will die
And when, but the doctor
can't tell her that

To him, it's like
passing a death sentence

As a believer he can't do it
But the patient's wife grows
more and more intrusive

The doctor suspects her of having...
