Dekalog, jeden

In Warsaw?
In the distant parts of Mokotow district
In Odynca street

Yes? What happened next?
Next? Ah, yes
They sat at the table
The man kept walking round the table
They looked at one another
At least the woman made up her mind to say
things that were so very difficult to say

They can't keep their promise
Having considered everything...
They cannot lie to the one
they believe in

He does demand them to be charitable
...but forbids to give false testimony
The lie they had planned to commit
knowing what cause it serve

...proved reconcilable with their
moral principles after all

That's it
Then, the guardian and the girl
rise from the table

Have some more tea,
the woman says

The girl takes a sip
But then she glances at her guardian
and puts the glass down

And then,
...downstairs at the gateway
...the girl notices her guardian
It's curfew soon,
she says

But the guardian doesn't move
Was there anybody else
:15:54 that flat?
Yes, an elderly gentleman
He was sitting with his back
to the rest
