Dirty Rotten Scoundrels

I’m not afraid of you.
You should be. I’m younger than you,
better-looking than you...

...I’m thinner than you.
I can kick you out
in a New York minute.

And I could have you arrested again.
And I could call Lady Fanny of Omaha.
Freddy, as a younger man...
...I was a sculptor, a painter
and a musician.

There was just one problem:
I wasn't very good.
As a matter of fact, I was dreadful.
I came to the frustrating

...that I had taste and style,
but not talent.

I knew my limitations.
We all have our limitations, Freddy.
Fortunately, I discovered that
taste and style are commodities...

...that people desire.
Freddy, what I’m saying is...
...know your limitations.
You are a moron.

You've wanted me out of town
ever since I arrived.

I tell you what. We'll make a bet.
If I lose, I’ll leave.

If I win, you leave.
All right, Freddy,
suppose we try this.

We find a woman, set a price...
...and the first man to extract
the correct amount from her wins.

But if you--
But if you lose...
...you not only leave town

...you promise never
to come back again.

Done. Who's the woman?
