Distant Thunder

Don't fuck with me.
- I'm not gonna fuck with you.
- You're gonna fuck with me.

I'm not.
I can't tell you what happened.
- So, what happened?
- I can't tell you.

Fucking woman.
Goddamn fucking woman.

- Why, what'd she do?
- Oh, man. Shit.

Hey, Louis.
Come on over here.
- No.
- Come on.

Not this time.
- No, now.
- Don't fuck with me!

I'm not fucking with you.
That fucking glass, man.
That fucking crystal one

- she's always got a flower in.
- Yeah?

She fucking threw it at me, man.
She fucking threw it right at me.
Fucking thing hit the wall,

- smashed all to pieces.
- Hey, you've had shit

thrown at you before. Come on.
Not my fucking
wedding present, man.

My fucking wedding present
I gave her.

Don't do it.
- Louis, please. Come here.
- Don't fuck with me.

I don't want to be fucked with no more.
No more. I've fucking had it!

Louis, no.
It don't mean nothing, man.
