Ernest Saves Christmas

Is my second-born son
without a sliver of gratitude?

He wouldn't even pick up
his own mother at the airport.

I'm only glad his father
never lived to see the day...

when his son would treat
his own mother this way.

Me, a lonely old woman...
forced to cope
in a world of indifference.

Hold on just a minute.
Where is he?
Where is Martin?

I need him to help me
with my will.

Having walked from the airport,
I'll be dead soon.

I don't know what to do.
He's with a client.

That's life for you.
You have two sons;
one good, one bad.

And wouldn't you know it,
with my luck,
the good one dies!

But, Mrs. Brock, I'm sure
he didn't know you were coming.

Don't side with him, honey.
There's no future in it.

Just tell me where he is.
I hope Ernest
has success finding Joe.

He's been in there a long time.
At least they didn't
kick him out right away.

Your mother must be
worried about you.

- What?
- Well, you've been gone a month now.

That's a long time for a girl your age
to be on her own.

You know, that is so funny.
People do this to me all the time.
Everybody thinks
I'm really young, you know,

but I'm not.
I'm 22.
My mistake.
I mixed you up with someone...
whose parents
had some problems last year.

They got so wrapped up
in themselves...

that they forgot that she...
needed a little attention, too.
