For Keeps

Besides, it's Thanksgiving.
How can you tell them now?

I was thinking, "I'm pregnant.
Can you pass the turnips?"

-Look, we'll talk about it--
-Come on, kids. Dinner.

It's a beautiful turkey, Mrs. Bobrucz.
-Hey, stick.

Know what your cousin
says about Caltech?

-What'd he say?
-Every student has his own computer.

Believe that? It wasn't like that
when I didn't go to school.

I hope you like my stuffing.
The French do a wonderful thing
with stuffing.

Apples, grapes and raisins.
Right, honey?

How creative.
In this country, we don't call
that stuffing. We call it fruit.

-Honey? Grace.

-Anybody can do it.
-Only a doctor can do it.

No talking during grace, huh?
I'm telling Mary that only
a doctor can do an abortion--

That's not true! Right, Daddy?
Where'd you hear a word like that?
-Mary said it.
-Lou said it.

You know the rules in this house.
No lying.

Where'd you hear that?
Well, all right!
I'm gonna ask you one more time!
Where did you hear that word?
I'm pregnant.
Can you pass the turnips?

Abortion is not a dirty word.
It's a medical solution.

Abortion is not a dirty word.
It's a medical solution.

You can forget about abortion!
This kid's going up for adoption!

-That's that!
-You've never heard of choice.

Why would you?
It's not a four-letter word.
