For Keeps

-Darcy, your hair looks great.

You look so French.
It took me 10 minutes
to get out of the car.

-How will I make it on the dance floor?
-Simple. I rented a forklift.

Okay. Now, if you two
will just stand on the white tape.

Good, good.
Okay, kids, look at the camera.

We wanna look at each other.
I do this 100 times a night, honey.
Come on, over here.

-Look at the camera.
-Take the picture, please.

Looking pretty foxy in that tux, boy.
Darcy, hi.
I haven't seen you in so--

Oh, my God. You are huge.
-Honey, you are lighter than air.
-Oh, yeah, so is a blimp.

A blimp can't dance.
You know, I think this is the best
senior prom that we've ever been to.

It's the only senior prom
we've been to.

I know. That's why it's the best.
-I sure hope junior has your eyes.
-Oh, wait a minute, now.

-Who says this is gonna be a junior?

All right, what's the female word
for junior?

Well, they say....
I don't know.
-They haven't invented a word.
-We should invent one.

-No, we gotta invent a name.

-What were we on last night?




-Oh, yeah. Definitely.

-I love Sting.
-Sting Bobrucz.

Sting Bobrucz, that's beautiful.
What's happening?
I think the baby wants to cut in here.
-My water broke.
-Okay. We're fine.

We're gonna do it
like the book said.

We're prepared for this.
Nice and easy, right?


-All right?
