Halloween 4: The Return of Michael Myers

Oh, Brady. Oh, Brady.
Oh, shit.
Oh, it's my dad!
- Your dad? Your dad!

God, if he catches us like this ...
... he's gonna skin you alive ...
What? - ... for starters.
Oh, no.
Come on!
- I'm going. I'm going.

Where's that deputy?
- He'll be here in a minute.

Rachel, take your sister upstairs. First door on the right.
Dad, what's going on?
Kelly, I want you to close
and lock all the downstairs windows.
- Why? - Just do it!

Where's the radio?
- Right through the kitchen you'll see the basement stairs.

Brady, you know how to use a gun?
Yes, sir.
Think you can handle that?
- Um, yeah. You wanna tell me what's happening?

Yeah, when I have time. You got your riot gun?
- In the trunk of my squad. - Go get it.

Take these.
Okay, you got a hammer ... and roofing nails.
And I want you up in the attic securing it,
so nobody can get in.

You know, if something's happening,
I should just go call my parents.
- Just get up in the attic.

Oh yeah.
I catch you groping my daughter ...
I'll use that shotgun on you.
You understand?
