Imagine: John Lennon

The journey to America was exciting
but I had to keep a low profile...

because it wouldn't
do for the frenzied fans...

to know that John had a wife
and a baby at home.

What do you think of the comment...
that you're nothing but a bunch
of British Elvis Presleys?

It's not true!
Are you going to get a haircut
while you're here?

- No, thanks.
- I had one yesterday.

- That's no lie. It's true.
- It's true.

You know, I think he missed some.
- No, he didn't.
- You should have seen him the day before.

What do you think
your music does to these people?

It pleases them, I think.
It must do, 'cause they're buying it.

- Why does it excite them so much?
- We don't know, really.

If we knew, we'd form another group
and be managers.

We came here at 6:00
in the morning, 5:30, to see them.

And all they did was push us
farther and farther away.

Then they don't even let you see them.
I got every Beatle record at home
and we didn't get to see them.

What kind of police protection?
I'd really like to get a piece of them...
