La Lectrice

Well, dear sir, I'll consider it.
- Should I read Duras or Dumas or both?
- All three.

All three?
As you wish, whoever you like.

Tell me. No, don't tell me.
Consider it.

- Come back.
- Duras, I don't think so.

Come back soon.
Caught in the rain?
Take it off.
- You're soaked.
- I didn't realise, it's full of holes.

- Can we read now?
- Just a minute.

May I?
Today I'll read a story of water.
I borrowed it from a friend.
"We were returning from Hydra...".
A Greek island.

"...from a major meeting
of Mediterranean sociologists..."

May I?
I just wanted to check.
Perfect... I'll leave you.
"We had decided, Norma, Michel and I,
to prolong our visit by a private stay
on another island,

much smaller and wilder,
whose name I shall withhold."

"Michel is my friend, Norma his wife."
"She laughs,
she has amber skin, hazel eyes."
