Mississippi Burning

He's seen your face. That ain't good.
You don't want him seein' your face.

Oh, it don't make no difference no more.
- Whoa, shit! We into it now, boys.
You only left me a nigger,
but at least I shot me a nigger.

Yes, indeed.
These Ku Kluxers are better
with lynchings than with lyrics.

Just read the file, Mr. Anderson.
I can do without the cabaret.

- You don't like me much, do you, boss?
- Sure I like you.

I just don't share your sense of humor.
Sometimes that's all you got left.
- How long you been in the Bureau?
- Three years.

- Right outta college, huh?
- No. From the Justice Department.

Kennedy boy. Now I see.
No. I don't think you do see.
Let's get this thing straight.
I haven't had a pimple in years.
I shave every morning.

I even go to the bathroom by myself.
So you can quit this "boss" stuff.

I'm in charge because
I've been through this before.

- Birmingham? Montgomery?
- Oxford. I was with Meredith at Old Miss.
