My Stepmother Is an Alien

Now come home, Celeste.
Sir, I am home.
It's no use. I can't go.
That is impossible.
Celeste, you must return.
Wait. Come on now.
Hi. Steve Mills.
You look like a reasonable
bunch of superbeings.

We really have to work this out.
I'm in love...
...with your Chief Extragalactic Probist.
What do you mean, no?
We need someone to tell us
about your war and making love...

...and all your fuzziness.
Excuse me...
...Big Thing in the Sky...
:42:57 need someone
to tell you about making love?

We need someone to tell us
about everything.

Does anyone up there
look as good as she does?

Everyone does.

It's impossible.
Sir? He knows more than I do
about all things down here.

It's an interesting idea.
He can come.
Who's gonna drive this thing?
Group Captain Winnek Woofet
and the 12th Navigational Command.

My God!
She looks just like Princess Stephanie.

She looks just like Princess Stephanie, too.
If you say so.
