Shoot to Kill

Good mornin'.
Nice day for fiîshin'.

I guess we must be
the fiîrst ones here, huh?

Yes, I know it's happened before.
I'm sorry. I'm sorry I didn't
call the restaurant.

But we've been in the middle
ofa terrible situation.

Yes, I'm sure it was
terrible foryou too, honey.

I'll try.
No, I can't promise, but I will try.

Baby, I gotta go.
Bishop's Falls, Washington.
Sheriff reports the murder ofa tourist
just offthe highway into Canada.

- So?
- Large calibre wound through
the victim's left eye.

Where the hell is Bishop's Falls?
It's right over here,
uh, to the northwest ofSpokane.

Book me on the next flight to Spokane.
And while I'm in the air, fiîgure out
a way to get me to Bishop's Falls.

Crilly here found the body.
Agent Stantin, Austin Crilly.
Stantin's the FBI man, Crilly.

- It's up this way.
- Are you really a G-man?
