Shoot to Kill

So what do you think?
Fifty bucks for the biggest fiîsh?

You make it a C-note,
and you got yourselfa deal, big guy.

- Yeah, but I wanna
see the lure fiîrst.
- I'll give you a lure right here.

I can't believe
I'm out ofshape.

Is this thing
safe enough to step on?

- I like this.
- God! How awesome!

- Did somebody make this,
or was this already here?
- Quite a sight, huh?

- This is great!
- Holy shit! What in the wide
world ofsports is that thing?

That thing, gentlemen,
is gonna take us across this gorge.

- That's it?
- That's it.

- We'll die.
- Hey, relax, okay? I've been on
one ofthese things before.

- Oh, yeah. Here we go.
- No, no, I tell you something--

- Yeah, tell me. Tell me.
- It's worse than it looks.
- Yeah, t-tell me, Big Ben.

- What is it that you haven't done?
A trip to Mars, maybe?
- Come on, Mac, please.

- Hey, I'm a fiîsherman.
- Gentlemen, gentlemen. Please,
gentlemen, let's apply logic here.

- Let us simply ask ourselves
ifthis trip is genuinely necessary.
- Come on. Stop whining.

- What's the big deal? Let'sjust do it.
- There you go.

- Now you're talking my language, boy.
- You guys, wait a minute.
You don't have to do this.

This is supposed to be a fun trip,
not hell night.

We can trek down the gorge
and go down river a couple miles.
Probably only set us back a day.

No. I'd rather die right now
than miss a day.

- He's right, I guess.
- Hold onto that real tight, will you?

I'm gonna go across with one ofyou
and show you how to do it.

Then the others
come across in twos.

- So who's gonna take
the big plunge with me?
- Well, when you put it that way, l--
- I'll go.

Oh, real macho!
- Yeah, I guess, uh--
I guess he goes, huh?
- Is that okay?

- Oh, yeah.
- Yeah, it's 'cause if
I don't go right away--
- Hey, fiîne.

- Okay, great. Thanks.
- Yeah.

- Okay, what do we do now?
- Now we let gravity take over.

- Right.
- Let her rip!

My stomach!
- Oh, I don't want to do this!
I wanna go--
-Just look at the boys.
